About Us

About Mula Bali Tours

G’day from the heart of Bali! We are Mula Bali Tours, a team of passionate travel enthusiasts dedicated to curating unparalleled experiences on the mesmerizing Island of the Gods. Our journey began with a simple yet profound idea: to showcase the beauty, warmth, and cultural richness of Bali to the world, especially our mates from Australia.

Our Story

Founded on the belief that travel should be more than just a destination, Mula Bali Tours was born out of a love for exploration and a desire to share Bali’s hidden treasures. Our journey is woven with the threads of discovery, adventure, and a genuine appreciation for the unique tapestry that makes Bali truly special.

Why Choose Mula Bali Tours?

At Mula Bali Tours, we take pride in being your local insiders. Our team comprises Bali aficionados who call this paradise home. We don’t just guide; we share our deep-rooted connection with the island, ensuring your experience is authentic, immersive, and unforgettable.

Our Mission

Our mission is to transcend the typical tourist experience. We strive to introduce you to Bali’s soul, beyond the postcard-perfect views. Every tour and package is crafted with precision, offering a blend of iconic landmarks and off-the-beaten-path wonders, creating memories that resonate long after your journey concludes.

Join Us on the Journey

Embark on a journey with Mula Bali Tours, where each step is a discovery and every moment a celebration of Bali’s wonders. Explore our range of tours, get to know the faces behind the brand, and discover why Mula Bali Tours is your perfect travel companion in this tropical paradise.

Welcome to a world where your Bali adventure begins, not with a destination, but with an experience crafted just for you.

Meet the Team

Behind the scenes, our diverse team brings a wealth of expertise and a shared passion for travel. We are more than guides; we are storytellers, cultural ambassadors, and dedicated professionals committed to making your Bali adventure extraordinary.

N Ravencroft


Pedro Gaseoso

Director - Technical

Aseb Akbar

Team - Sales & Operations

Shiorin de Brié

Team - Accounts

Pavolia Shuba

Team - Sales & Operations

Giorgio Chaerul

Team - Sales & Operations


Team - Sales & Operations

I Ketut Eveland

Team - Accounts